New Quote

I know this is somewhat comical, but I enjoy hearing myself think. Hahaha. Everytime I think about something original I want to put it down as something I said so that people can quote me. How awesome would that be if you were having a talk with someone that decided the best way to get a point across to you was to use some clever sentence that encapsulated all that is relevant and it was your thought. Case in point, let's say you have someone who says to you, "I just want to be happy." You can hit em with " You know Shaheen Matuni once said, 'Happiness should never be a goal in life, it's a prerequisite.'" Don't waste today, waiting to be happy tomorrow. Happiness is a state of mind. You want to be happy...BE HAPPY! Happy is kind of a funny word if you actually think about it....but I digress. Ok, so now I have a new quote that I have thought of just moments ago. Now you can say, "Shaheen Matuni once said, "Earned independence yields a competent lifestyle and is the keystone of self-actualization." What does that mean? If you ever earned your freedom then there are some stepping stones you had to master and you had to adapt a certain way. In an essence, you learned what it takes to be you in this world and you'll be darned if someone tells you that it didn't work. Here you are..... This reminds me of a funny anecdote. Sometimes people that make their way are less desirable than others. I used to watch the show ER and there was one character, Dr. Romano, that was not liked by any of his staff, but was a very good doctor. A comment was made about him that still makes me laugh and that I like to quote. It was said like this.."Dr. Romano is like a cockroach, he refuses to evolve and yet survives us all." People will make their own way whether they change or they make the world change around them.
Now this is some good stuff!!
Keep up the good work.
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