Ode To Teachers (Especially Shannon)

Hebrew Proverb
"A child is not a vessel to be filled, but a lamp to be lit".
I woke up today
much the same way as yesterday.
I have my kids on my mind
during preparation and during unwind.
I never feel totally prepared,
but yet I'm never scared.
For this isn't a job to me
its what I live to be.
I can't wait to see them walk in the door,
the sound of 22 kids, the roar.
It fills me with excitement and glee,
but I want them to listen to me.
I hold up five to get their attention.
I taught them this procedure, did I mention?
I work hard and teach them all day,
I teach and reteach to mold them like clay.
Sometimes they are bored
because they have done this before,
but before you know it
they don't think about it anymore.
They have mastered the problems
without my help to solve them.
At the end of the year
I often have a tear.
Because there were ones that couldn't talk,
but now they don't stop.
Because there were ones that reading was an obstacle,
but now it's like licking a popsicle
Because there were ones that had so much trouble with Math,
but now they look at the TAKS and laugh.
Summer was great,
make no mistake.
But I'm so glad it's the first week of school,
I love teaching, it's so cool!!
-Shaheen Matuni
"For my loving, caring wife. Her kids just don't know yet...oh, but they will. No one ever forgets crossing paths with Mrs. Matuni!"
I LOVE YOU...thanks for making my day.
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