Right as the Mail

I’m connected!!!! I’ve found a way to plug back into the world. I asked a friend what kind of high speed he was getting and he told me. So I called and I was well within range and the price was quite reasonable. I’m very impressed with the speeds I’m getting. ~1mbps down and ~512 mbps up. I’m so happy right now in this moment. This was my last option before I was going to break the news that I would be unplugged for an indefinite amount of time…a long time no doubt. So I get the peace and quite of the country, but the privilege of encapsulating the world at just one click and no wait. I could very well see Shan and I living here a long time. Muhahahahahahahaha….oh by the way, on a side note…Today is our 1 year anniversary. Hahahahaha….sorry babe, broadband is what is making me glow right now. He he he he. I love you, even though you are 7 hours away from me on our 1 and only 1st year anniversary. It’s ok, I’ll be here waiting for ya when you get back…cough cough, in the office of course…..
Since you have broadband I expect to see a blog a day!
Are you using a WIFI card over the cellular network? I didn't think of that when we talked last about your options of connectivity, sorry.
A BLOG A DAY.... Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth?
Lets hear some kitty stories!
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