
This is how I spent yesterday. Well, Saturday I woke up with what I thought was pink eye. I couldn't open my eye and finally in the afternoon when I was able to open it...it was pretty swolen. However, on Sunday morning, it was alot better, but still swolen. Shannon and I decided to go see "The Departed" This was a great movie, but I have to say that the ending was horrible. I wished they could have done something better with the ending. Then we watched the Cowboy game, and the ending of that game was horrible as well. Bledsoe did not have a good game yesterday. Then we decided to go back to the movies with a friend of mine, Ricky. We went to see "Employee of the Month" I love Dane Cook and there were some good funny parts, but overall the movie was a little bland. Boy, that Jessica Simpson can act!!! wink wink. It was a good day. Today is Columbus Day. I'm glad that Columbus founded the New Americas so that educators could have 1 Monday a year off. Hahaha...
Baseball playoffs... I'm glad that the Yanks are kaput. I'm not sure who I want to win this thing, but I know that since I only get the regular stations at my house, I'll have to wait till the LCS in order to get into it. But even then, the games are so late and I get up so early that I'm not going to get to see much. We'll see what happens.
Our kitties, Britters and Ujio, are getting big. It's almost time to remove their manhood. They haven't calm down yet. I tell Shannon that I always want fat lazy cats. Ones that cuddle because I'm a cuddler.
FAll...my favorite time of the year. It just seems like there is always a holiday. The weather is nice and the leaves are changin. It seems like things start to slow down. I love it when things slow down. "It just seems like the world went and got itself in a big damn hurry" -Brooks.
Fearless...great movie. My favorite part of this movie is when Jet Li is planting the rice. It is at this moment that he realizes that life isn't about being number 1. He realizes that he doesn't have to be better than everyone else. He just has to better himself. When the workers stop planting to take in the wind, I was so happy. I have done this very thing. Good stuff. Once again, I did not like the ending of this film. I think directors are struggling with endings trying to do something different.
Well, that's all I got for now...I'll chime in again. Hopefully a month will not pass. Bloggin has been hard of late.
"Get busy livin, or get busy dying!"
New blog time!!! Stop leaving us hanging!
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