Going at it again....
Just so you know this conversation does not reflect any animosity between Danny and I. We just like to debate and this is how we do it.....good times...
sheener20 (3:31:33 PM) : whatare these shannanagans
sheener20 (3:32:19 PM) : what kinda stuff you pullin
better1day (3:57:45 PM) : that's the app i was showing yo
Auto Response from sheener20 (3:57:47 PM) : I am away from my computer right now.
Auto Response from sheener20
better1day (3:57:48 PM) : virtual machines
better1day (3:58:00 PM) : so you can install linux side by side if you want
sheener20 (4:17:30 PM) : does it come from here www.vmware.com
better1day (4:17:37 PM) : no
better1day (4:17:40 PM) : parallels
sheener20 (4:18:05 PM) : ok. cause the same day you were showing me that another guy was telling me about vmware
sheener20 (4:18:30 PM) : justin james just told me that you told him that having the iphone was life changing
sheener20 (4:18:31 PM) : haha
better1day (4:37:53 PM) : i'm not sure i said that
sheener20 (4:38:11 PM) : that is rephrased
sheener20 (4:38:20 PM) : but you said that you don't remember you life without it
better1day (4:38:22 PM) : oh, i think i said "soon you'll wonder how you ever managed without it"
sheener20 (4:38:39 PM) : but you implied that it was life changing
sheener20 (4:38:40 PM) : haha
sheener20 (4:38:45 PM) : what a dork
better1day (4:38:43 PM) : just like the standard cell phone
sheener20 (4:38:50 PM) : haha
better1day (4:38:53 PM) : i did nothing of the sort
sheener20 (4:39:03 PM) : haha
sheener20 (4:39:07 PM) : you of all people
better1day (4:39:13 PM) : i am all people
sheener20 (4:39:19 PM) : with your speeches of don't let your cell phone dictate your life
sheener20 (4:39:20 PM) : haha
sheener20 (4:39:32 PM) : you are the pinnacle of hipocracy
better1day (4:39:35 PM) : epitome?
better1day (4:39:42 PM) : i disagree
better1day (4:39:52 PM) : there is no hipocracy to be found here
better1day (4:40:03 PM) : hypocrisy
sheener20 (4:40:19 PM) : well...let's just say the iphone does not stay in the car anymore
sheener20 (4:40:22 PM) : haha
better1day (4:40:23 PM) : cell phone != iphone
better1day (4:40:34 PM) : shaheen = fail
sheener20 (4:40:41 PM) : cell phone is the latest smart phone
sheener20 (4:40:47 PM) : iphone
better1day (4:40:47 PM) : nope
better1day (4:41:08 PM) : iphone = ipod + ultraportable + cell phone + genius
sheener20 (4:41:19 PM) : iphone == smartphone++;
better1day (4:41:23 PM) : how could i possibly not have it with me all the time?
better1day (4:41:31 PM) : you are wrong
better1day (4:41:39 PM) : according to wiki.org/smartphone
sheener20 (4:41:42 PM) : i'm as right as the mail
better1day (4:41:49 PM) : they say iphone is not a smartphone at all
better1day (4:42:05 PM) : due to lack of 3rd party native applications
sheener20 (4:42:07 PM) : what do they say...it's a genius phone
sheener20 (4:42:08 PM) : haha
sheener20 (4:42:43 PM) : it's a neat little cell phone
better1day (4:42:43 PM) : pretty funny, there were massive edits and re-edits on the smartphone article about it when iphone was first announced and even now
better1day (4:42:56 PM) : a lot of people got their panties twisted up over it
sheener20 (4:43:07 PM) : just a phone
sheener20 (4:43:11 PM) : with cool gadgets
better1day (4:43:13 PM) : a lot of people were offended that their precious blackberries were not 1337 anymore
sheener20 (4:43:18 PM) : i'm sure i'll be taking a bunch of them up this year
sheener20 (4:43:36 PM) : the blackberries are still good devices
sheener20 (4:43:41 PM) : prolly more affordable
better1day (4:43:46 PM) : your attempts are futile
sheener20 (4:44:08 PM) : my statements are defining...not attempts
better1day (4:44:07 PM) : your anti-apple itis
sheener20 (4:44:20 PM) : i'm not anit-apple
better1day (4:44:25 PM) : you and all the smartphone apologists hahaha
sheener20 (4:44:30 PM) : i'm anti apple users
better1day (4:44:41 PM) : you are anti anything having to do with apple
sheener20 (4:44:48 PM) : nope
better1day (4:44:53 PM) : it goes against your training
better1day (4:45:01 PM) : and your java fetish
sheener20 (4:45:14 PM) : nope..i've bragged about apple many a times
sheener20 (4:45:21 PM) : but i don't diss windows as i do it
better1day (4:45:27 PM) : it's like the PC repair guy who warns people not to buy macs... he's afraid he'll be out of work
sheener20 (4:45:35 PM) : that makes me different from the apple elitists
better1day (4:45:45 PM) : i often complain about windows
better1day (4:45:53 PM) : because i'm forced to put up with it where i work
better1day (4:46:08 PM) : i wonder how in the world they continue to get it so wrong
better1day (4:46:15 PM) : how people put up with it
sheener20 (4:46:26 PM) : where you see road blocks and dead ends...i see opportunity
better1day (4:46:34 PM) : that is a true statement
better1day (4:46:42 PM) : partly
sheener20 (4:47:07 PM) : i also don't have a java fetish...just like ease of the language
better1day (4:47:22 PM) : i see the road blocks, i put up with them to get my paycheck and do my job, then take the "road less traveled" when i'm on my own time
sheener20 (4:47:32 PM) : but you are a mac user...so if it isn't all done for you, then you woudln't like it
better1day (4:47:50 PM) : did you read that on digg somewhere?
sheener20 (4:47:56 PM) : nope...you get in your sports car when you get home
sheener20 (4:48:09 PM) : nope...my own derivation
better1day (4:48:26 PM) : i am a mac user and i appreciate attention to detail
sheener20 (4:48:54 PM) : you have lost all detail
sheener20 (4:49:29 PM) : you don't know how anything works unless you dig and dig for explanation
better1day (4:49:51 PM) : you make no sense
sheener20 (4:49:55 PM) : it never breaks...so how can you say you appreciate detail from a company that doesn't disclose their details
better1day (4:50:21 PM) : you mean all the open source projects they contribute to and advance? :rolleyes:
better1day (4:50:59 PM) : you arguments and statements have no basis -- no grounds
sheener20 (4:51:05 PM) : yeah....all the things we have reverse engineered...thanks apple
sheener20 (4:51:17 PM) : 
better1day (4:51:18 PM) : your ignorance is shining through now
better1day (4:51:28 PM) : grasping at straws
sheener20 (4:52:29 PM) : haha..the only ingnorance that exists is a mac user who reads headlines about windows failures and his only campaign is to slam windows...rather promote his machine
better1day (4:52:44 PM) : once again false
sheener20 (4:52:53 PM) : not false
sheener20 (4:53:06 PM) : i tell people how nice macs are...you make fun of them for using windows
better1day (4:53:06 PM) : i don't even read the headlines
sheener20 (4:53:13 PM) : you are an idiot salesman
better1day (4:53:13 PM) : it's not "news to me" LOL
better1day (4:53:26 PM) : i don't make fun of anyone for using windows
sheener20 (4:53:44 PM) : you bash the car the people drive up in to sell them a sports car
better1day (4:53:44 PM) : it is true that I don't understand why so many people put up with windows, but i don't make fun of them
better1day (4:53:58 PM) : not true once again
sheener20 (4:54:04 PM) : i like windows
better1day (4:54:11 PM) : just yesterday a coworker was telling me his story about his new dell
better1day (4:54:32 PM) : he said he was having some issues with vista getting it to connect to his wifi
sheener20 (4:54:49 PM) : maybe if apple hadn't been so proprietary..which is what made it solid...they might be the big dogs in the business
better1day (4:54:49 PM) : he gave his daughter a copy of vista too to have her learn it
better1day (4:54:53 PM) : she had the same problem
better1day (4:55:29 PM) : HE said he was not enjoying the vista experience, that it reminded him of win98 more than anything
better1day (4:55:41 PM) : I just listened
better1day (4:56:03 PM) : i didn't call him an idiot for buying a dell
better1day (4:56:23 PM) : i suggested he should put XP on it, as you had done, and I told him about your story
better1day (4:56:29 PM) : with your new xps
better1day (4:56:39 PM) : he agreed
better1day (4:57:07 PM) : then HE said, he thinks he should have gotten a Mac, since if he had to learn a new OS, he might as well learn the Mac
better1day (4:57:36 PM) : I told him, "well, the good thing is that computers don't last long these days, in a couple years you can take the plunge"
sheener20 (4:57:51 PM) : well...all i have to say is thank you apple for coming out with a solid OS and a cool gadget...where were they in the early 80's when pc's where taking off...why did they lose the most important battle in the world...oh yeah...they were self contained price gaugers
better1day (4:58:06 PM) : LOL, wrong again
sheener20 (4:58:22 PM) : why did they lose danny?
sheener20 (4:58:23 PM) : tell me?
better1day (4:58:31 PM) : go find out
better1day (4:58:36 PM) : you won't believe me anyway
sheener20 (4:58:51 PM) : tell me why people bought an os that makes you click start to shutdown?
better1day (4:58:51 PM) : Show that video to your kids this fall
sheener20 (4:58:56 PM) : how did this happen?
sheener20 (4:59:04 PM) : what happened...tell me
sheener20 (4:59:06 PM) : i want to know
better1day (4:59:27 PM) : http://youtube.com/watch?v=3BJu2GAkf2k
better1day (4:59:48 PM) : it's "fairly" accurate
better1day (4:59:59 PM) : and it's actually a good film
sheener20 (5:00:19 PM) : oh this is the movie where pc put into production what mac failed to do?
sheener20 (5:00:24 PM) : i mean windows
sheener20 (5:00:33 PM) : i mean microsoft?
better1day (5:00:37 PM) : see how bill sold a product he didn't even have yet
sheener20 (5:01:00 PM) : well..you do that? does that make you a crappy person
sheener20 (5:01:32 PM) : does that piss on your whole enterprise?
better1day (5:01:31 PM) : you'll see
sheener20 (5:01:39 PM) : haha
sheener20 (5:01:41 PM) : tell me
sheener20 (5:02:26 PM) : apples are nice...still pricy...but i guess we must pay for their sporty machines that never fail
sheener20 (5:02:46 PM) : how can you put a price on excellence?
sheener20 (5:03:22 PM) : apple is slowly whoring themselves to stay on top...realizing they can't do it all
better1day (5:03:33 PM) : you still think macs are overpriced
sheener20 (5:03:46 PM) : yeah..by at least 200 bucks
better1day (5:03:55 PM) : you are wrong again
sheener20 (5:04:30 PM) : i guess...but time and time agian...they don't match up
better1day (5:04:38 PM) : you are right
better1day (5:04:53 PM) : macs are usually first to come with the latest features and specs
sheener20 (5:05:07 PM) : i've never said windows was better than mac...never
better1day (5:05:31 PM) : from the top of the line Mac Pros with the 3.0Ghz quad chips that were only available on that machine, and no other PC maker had it, all the way down to the ipod
sheener20 (5:05:56 PM) : no other pc buyer could afford it...what's the point
sheener20 (5:05:57 PM) : haha
better1day (5:06:02 PM) : hardward superior, software superior
sheener20 (5:06:11 PM) : price superior
better1day (5:06:39 PM) : you get what you pay for. you can't compare a mac and a $600 dell or hp machine.. the specs are completely different
better1day (5:07:10 PM) : it is true apple doesn't offer the low end machines that many other makers do
sheener20 (5:07:13 PM) : make the specs the same..and you'll see that it's about 200 bucks cheaper to get the dell
better1day (5:07:26 PM) : but the machines they do offer are not higher priced than equal machines from other vendors
better1day (5:07:30 PM) : nope
sheener20 (5:07:35 PM) : yep
better1day (5:07:55 PM) : you'll have to show me
sheener20 (5:08:05 PM) : i showed you once already
better1day (5:08:07 PM) : you did?
better1day (5:08:11 PM) : do tell
sheener20 (5:08:33 PM) : you tried to show me a refurbished mac with less than what i was getting for the same price...not the mention the intangibles
better1day (5:08:35 PM) : you mean when you showed me your xps 12.1" laptop and compared it to a 15" laptop?
sheener20 (5:08:45 PM) : yep
better1day (5:08:49 PM) : there is areason you got a 12.1 laptop i think
better1day (5:08:55 PM) : i would bet i had to do with price
sheener20 (5:09:10 PM) : nope..i. like the size
sheener20 (5:09:27 PM) : i didn't want to carry around a 17" lappy anymore
better1day (5:09:33 PM) : that may be true, but you would be a fool to think you could get the same spec machine iwth a 15" screen instead of 12" for the same price
better1day (5:10:07 PM) : you could have gotten a macbook 13.3" for $999
better1day (5:10:12 PM) : your dell was overpriced
sheener20 (5:10:20 PM) : you didn't show me the same specs..the hardware was inferior...you had a chip in it that would do 16 million more operations...but oh well
sheener20 (5:10:39 PM) : the rest pwned that mac
better1day (5:10:43 PM) : i simply showed you what your 1500 could have bought
better1day (5:10:57 PM) : trade screen size for a gig of ram
better1day (5:11:21 PM) : you can't add screen size and not expect the price to go up, even on your dell
sheener20 (5:11:25 PM) : what about a better g card or a 40 GB more storage
better1day (5:11:31 PM) : a better g card?
better1day (5:11:39 PM) : hahaha
better1day (5:11:42 PM) : the dell still has g?
sheener20 (5:11:51 PM) : graphics
better1day (5:11:50 PM) : the macbook has N
sheener20 (5:12:38 PM) : i got a way better deal on my lappy than that slick lookin machine you showed me
better1day (5:12:41 PM) : give and take, you get a little more here and a little less there, just like any other laptop
sheener20 (5:12:55 PM) : no...i got more across the board
sheener20 (5:13:03 PM) : you are really arguing screensize?
sheener20 (5:13:12 PM) : i didn't think a mac guy would stoop to that
better1day (5:13:12 PM) : you think the screen size is not a big deal?
sheener20 (5:13:23 PM) : no..not even a little bit
better1day (5:13:29 PM) : you think you could get your dell the exact same specs with a bigger screen for the same price?
sheener20 (5:14:02 PM) : i'm surprised you aren't saying that with all that extra room the mac had they didint' have more hardware in there
sheener20 (5:14:03 PM) : haha
better1day (5:14:19 PM) : you forgot that the mac didn't have a battery sticking out the back
better1day (5:14:25 PM) : haha, back at ya
sheener20 (5:14:52 PM) : you forgot...you are arguing design..not practicality and i happen to lilke my spoiler
better1day (5:15:06 PM) : you are the one that brought up "extra room"
better1day (5:15:24 PM) : i wonder if the 15" woudl have been the same footprint size as yours
better1day (5:15:43 PM) : does yours have a built in camera?
sheener20 (5:15:59 PM) : nope..i didn't want that
sheener20 (5:16:08 PM) : oh and i had that option
better1day (5:16:07 PM) : DVI?
better1day (5:16:20 PM) : (but it would have cost more, so we won't mention it)
better1day (5:16:29 PM) : firewire 800?
better1day (5:16:34 PM) : 802.11n?
sheener20 (5:16:41 PM) : firewire yes
better1day (5:16:42 PM) : illuminated keyboard?
sheener20 (5:16:45 PM) : wireless n yes
sheener20 (5:16:51 PM) : keyboard no
better1day (5:16:48 PM) : firewire 800 - no
sheener20 (5:16:55 PM) : i dunno
better1day (5:16:59 PM) : expresscard slot?
sheener20 (5:17:05 PM) : yes
better1day (5:17:05 PM) : gig-e?
sheener20 (5:17:12 PM) : what is that?
better1day (5:17:12 PM) : gigabit
better1day (5:17:14 PM) : ethernet
sheener20 (5:18:01 PM) : nope, but when we get to that point...i'll have it
better1day (5:18:37 PM) : i do admit, i think apple should do a 13" macbook PRO, but the pro only comes in 15 or 17
better1day (5:21:01 PM) : optical input and output?
sheener20 (5:21:25 PM) : nope
better1day (5:22:43 PM) : How much would a PC cost with all of this?
better1day (5:22:44 PM) : • 15-inch screen
• 2.2GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
• 1440 x 900 resolution
• 2GB memory
• 120GB Serial ATA hard drive
• 8x double-layer SuperDrive
• NVIDIA GeForce 8600M GT graphics with 128MB SDRAM
• Backlit Keyboard
• 802.11n Wireless & Bluetooth
• USB 2.0, Firewire 400, Firewire 800
• MagSafe power adapter
• Optical input & output
• 1.0 inch x 9.5 inches x 14.1 inches
• 5.4 pounds with battery and optical drive installed
• 2.2GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
• 1440 x 900 resolution
• 2GB memory
• 120GB Serial ATA hard drive
• 8x double-layer SuperDrive
• NVIDIA GeForce 8600M GT graphics with 128MB SDRAM
• Backlit Keyboard
• 802.11n Wireless & Bluetooth
• USB 2.0, Firewire 400, Firewire 800
• MagSafe power adapter
• Optical input & output
• 1.0 inch x 9.5 inches x 14.1 inches
• 5.4 pounds with battery and optical drive installed
better1day (5:23:03 PM) : Oh, and the ability to run OS X?
better1day (5:23:47 PM) : (or any other OS that you want)
sheener20 (5:26:31 PM) : ?
better1day (5:26:52 PM) : what
sheener20 (5:27:08 PM) : that's nice...where are you going?
sheener20 (5:27:11 PM) : or did you forget?
better1day (5:27:15 PM) : i'm waiting for you to tell me
better1day (5:27:20 PM) : the specs above
sheener20 (5:27:31 PM) : what about em?
better1day (5:27:35 PM) : how much from dell?
sheener20 (5:27:42 PM) : i dunno
better1day (5:27:55 PM) : I'll figure it out and let you know then
sheener20 (5:29:22 PM) : good
sheener20 (5:29:27 PM) : haha
better1day (5:29:57 PM) : one sec, taking a while to say "NO" to page after page of extras
sheener20 (5:31:58 PM) : nice to have the option isn't it
better1day (5:32:11 PM) : only if you like getting suckered into a bunch of carp
better1day (5:32:14 PM) : crap
better1day (5:32:24 PM) : reminds me of all the trial ware you had to delete on yours
sheener20 (5:32:34 PM) : nope..apple just puts the top of the line right on their machine for ya
better1day (5:32:45 PM) : i'm not talking about hardware
better1day (5:33:10 PM) : i'm talking about the books on how to use a pc and the anti-virus and anti this and anti that and extra carrying cases and on and on and on
sheener20 (5:33:26 PM) : people like that
better1day (5:33:36 PM) : people who sell the garbage
sheener20 (5:33:39 PM) : guess apple doesn't understand that?
better1day (5:34:08 PM) : it's called "nickel and diming" shaheen
better1day (5:34:18 PM) : and it is generally regarded as being a scam
better1day (5:34:31 PM) : "oh, you want floormats and a gas cap?
sheener20 (5:34:48 PM) : oh i know apple doesn't try to accessorize the crap out of ya..hahahahhahaha
sheener20 (5:34:56 PM) : that's funny danny
sheener20 (5:34:58 PM) : haha
better1day (5:34:58 PM) : for once you are right
sheener20 (5:35:25 PM) : he who bought a 600 dollar iphone and prolly didn't even get a charger
sheener20 (5:35:26 PM) : haha
sheener20 (5:35:27 PM) : hahahahaha
better1day (5:35:44 PM) : got 2 actually
better1day (5:36:24 PM) : well, after all the 23 pages of "you want this too?" i was unable to put together a comparable machine
better1day (5:36:50 PM) : i guess dell doesn't have the options i want
better1day (5:39:27 PM) : did you make sure you installed anti spyware on your new xps?
better1day (5:39:33 PM) : (now i'm making fun)
sheener20 (5:40:27 PM) : have you seen that infomercial that comes on at 2 am on the pbs channel?
better1day (5:40:41 PM) : probably
sheener20 (5:43:32 PM) : where are the apple stores located?
sheener20 (5:44:06 PM) : guess they haven't gotten that whole advertising thing down yet...except for the bashing commercials
better1day (5:44:15 PM) : huh?
sheener20 (5:44:22 PM) : i honestly couldn't tell you where one is
better1day (5:44:29 PM) : i bet you could figure it out pretty quick
sheener20 (5:44:42 PM) : i'd have to google it
better1day (5:45:48 PM) : i bet most people would think to go to apple.com
sheener20 (5:46:42 PM) : yes..but many people can tell you where certain places are without ever actually shopping them
better1day (5:47:11 PM) : um, yeah if they live next to a best buy, they can tell you where it is
better1day (5:47:23 PM) : you live in rendon, there are no apple stores in rendon
sheener20 (5:47:31 PM) : burleson?
sheener20 (5:47:34 PM) : mansfield?
better1day (5:47:32 PM) : nope
better1day (5:47:35 PM) : ha
sheener20 (5:47:49 PM) : ft worth?
better1day (5:48:17 PM) : people who don't know where one is, usually can figure out where to look if they want to go
sheener20 (5:48:29 PM) : i like that marketing plan
sheener20 (5:48:33 PM) : can i use that?
sheener20 (5:48:35 PM) : haha
better1day (5:48:34 PM) : i wonder where the dell stores are
sheener20 (5:49:11 PM) : yep..i think i will promote that plan of marketing
sheener20 (5:49:26 PM) : people who don't know where one is, usually can figure out where to look if they want to go
sheener20 (5:49:33 PM) : i love it
better1day (5:49:53 PM) : i guess they should have one on every street corner like starbucks
sheener20 (5:49:56 PM) : you have deprived me too much of my thursday with this nonsense
better1day (5:50:00 PM) : oh wait, is there a starbucks in rendon?
sheener20 (5:50:06 PM) : moving on
better1day (5:50:13 PM) : you make no sense
sheener20 (5:50:35 PM) : i made 2 cents
sheener20 (5:50:36 PM) : haha
sheener20 (5:50:38 PM) : i love it
sheener20 (5:50:45 PM) : i can't stop
sheener20 (5:50:46 PM) : haha
hahaha wow..
gotta love it
I == pwningYou
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