The Lion's Roar

This has been on my mind since before I saw the Chronicles of Narnia. There is something awesome in the face of the Lion. There is this intensity or presence that these animals bring. Shan and I made a trip to the Fort Worth Zoo a few weeks back and I was in awe of these beautiful creatures. Shan had to pry me away from the Lion and Tiger exhibits. I love just staring into their eyes. It’s like they know something and they are content in their own space. One thing I noticed at the zoo was the Lion exhibit was elevated and there was a clear line of site to the zebra and gazelle exhibits. Now that’s just cruel.
Any who… back to the topic at hand. I love the Lion’s roar. I soooo wish I could do that. I would use it all the time. Did you know that the Lion’s roar can be heard up to 5 miles in distance? You don’t think that for one second that if you could produce this glorious sound that there isn’t one person that would be dumbstruck? If you could erupt with the same ground shaking intensity as a Lion then you would be able to put the kibosh on any and all disagreements. Talk about getting the final word in. So if there was one animal I would love to be for a day it would be the Lion. Actually, I would settle just for the roar. What animal strikes your chords?
Yeah, I remember you wanted to spend all of our time at this exhibit. I didn't think we would ever move on.
You do roar like a lion. It just comes out a different hole, but can also be heard for miles.
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