Still Life
A move has taken place today. A change. We are now located in the wonderful warm lands of Rendon, Texas yet again. We are in house, not far from where I grew up and not far from Shannon’s family. We are in the heart of friends of family. So this was the decision we made a few months back. We have almost completed everything in the implementation of that decision. God has been with us all the while and watched over us. A new lifestyle is going to arise from this change. We will not have easy access to the internet. As a matter of fact, we won’t have access at all. However, we are going to get library cards on Monday and we plan to pacify that need with that. It won’t be the same I know. Once you go high speed you never go back. This is true because I would rather not have anything as opposed to our only other alternative….the dial up. Think about how much time you waste of your life using dial up. The few that have dial up and are reading my blog…I salute you!! You are a dedicated reader and there will be a special crown for you in heaven, but I’m sure you have more important things to do right now. Well, I wish all of you a Happy July 4th, 2006. Spend time with your friends and family and don’t let life pass you by.
What did you mean by that Shaheen? I was talking to Shannon about this the other day. So many people spend their lives trying to get to the next thing. If they aren’t married, then that is their focus. If they are married, then maybe it’s a house. If they have the house then they prepare for child. It really never ends. None of these things are wrong. Oh and don’t think for a minute that I don’t believe you should have goals. Goals are very important. I also don’t believe you should spend your whole life without sitting up for a breath of air. I mean, spend time in reflection. Spend time in thought, because life is too beautiful not to look at it. Look at your own lives man!! Stop with your agenda for the day!! Stop with what you want to get done this week!! Stop!!! Breathe. Now look at your life and hopefully it’s not for the first time. You only get one of these. Now you may proceed…but wasn’t that fun?? If it wasn’t, then you now know what you need to do to make the next time more enjoyable. Happiness should never be a goal in life, it’s a prerequisite!
What did you mean by that Shaheen? I was talking to Shannon about this the other day. So many people spend their lives trying to get to the next thing. If they aren’t married, then that is their focus. If they are married, then maybe it’s a house. If they have the house then they prepare for child. It really never ends. None of these things are wrong. Oh and don’t think for a minute that I don’t believe you should have goals. Goals are very important. I also don’t believe you should spend your whole life without sitting up for a breath of air. I mean, spend time in reflection. Spend time in thought, because life is too beautiful not to look at it. Look at your own lives man!! Stop with your agenda for the day!! Stop with what you want to get done this week!! Stop!!! Breathe. Now look at your life and hopefully it’s not for the first time. You only get one of these. Now you may proceed…but wasn’t that fun?? If it wasn’t, then you now know what you need to do to make the next time more enjoyable. Happiness should never be a goal in life, it’s a prerequisite!
Happiness is not a goal in life, it’s a burrito!
Last Blog of All Time!
It can also sometimes be a chalupa Prez ... you know sometimes stale, flat and got wet lettuce all over ya .... now thats happiness
You should be able to get satellite broadband. Here is the link to it:[OID[88524CEAAFAC284FB05F5B8D5AD08F52]]
Also, you may want to try ALLTEL as your phone service provider and see if they can help you out:
We have DSL and are further out from civilization than Rendon, so I am kinda surprised... Keep in touch!
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