
As I watched Bonds hit that homer last night and break the record I was indifferent. I’ve always jumped on people who single out Bonds as a steroid user. Well there is quite a bit to consider when asking if this record is tainted. Should there be an asterisk? Consider this, there are a ton of players using performance enhancing drugs, pain medications, cortisone shots, new faster technology enhanced rehabilitation methods, more weight training, better knowledge of diet and exercise, and protective gear in the game. Those are 7 factors that have totally changed this game from what it was when Aaron played, but we only talk about the one. But Shaheen, those other things didn’t have as much of an impact as the first one…steroids. Oh but they do. If you were to look at each one of those things for awhile I think it will come to you, but you just maybe didn’t consider them before. Here is the main point I want to make, Bonds played in both worlds. He played in 80’s where men were normal and injuries were all serious. Now, he plays in this freak show of a game. He not only did everything on my list, but went against guys doing the same. I’ve come to terms with the fact that you cannot compare Bonds to Aaron. They played in 2 different worlds. So there will be no asterisk in my opinion, but I can’t say I’m overly excited for him. Many people, including players don’t like Bonds because of his arrogance and lack of humility. Don’t let his soft spoken words deter you from his blimped ego. When I was in Junior High, Andy Van Slyke, former teammate of Bonds, came to our school and bashed him. He told us how none of his teammates in Pittsburg liked him. Now this may have just been his opinion, but I have seen that opinion grow. So let’s just say this…Bonds…hit 50 more and we’ll call it even. I don’t know what else to say…these records don’t mean as much anymore. How can you say they do, when a 260lb man beast hits his 756 HR wearing a full arm protector and picks and chooses his games/at bats. Oh well…we are in a new time.