
Robert Frost said he could sum up life in 3 words: It goes on. Well, indeed it does. I just finished up my online class and completed my research project for Chemistry. So I have one more major paper to write this semester for Geology and my Software project to complete. I’m doing my best to ensure an easy departure from the college world. Procrastination has been my friend and enemy at the same time my whole life. “If it wasn’t for the last minute, then nothing would get done.”
I’ve experienced a few enlightening devotionals, that I’ve either known or have shed some light in my current disposition. Just tonight, in Chemistry, our Professor talked about thermodynamics and the efficiency of transferring energy to do work. He related to the fact that all things require a mechanism to change whatever type of energy into something we can use. Plants use photosynthesis, a process by which carbohydrates are synthesized from carbon dioxide and water using light as an energy source and as a byproduct emit oxygen. Our own body turns sugars and other molecules into chemical energy which we use all the time. All this points out how much order there is in life which directly reflects our God, our Creator. Also, every mechanism that uses energy that we can observe today has had a designer. Well this makes perfect sense for us as Christians, but it’s cool how science confirms it.
Another thing that I had known, but it has been nice to remember, concerns the Resurrection. Basically, for Christianity to be hog wash then it comes down to proving the Resurrection didn’t take place. One HUGE thing that reassures us is that if it didn’t happen then why would 11 of the 12 disciples die a martyr’s death? If you research how they died, you find that it was awful. There were crucifixions, beheadings, and beatings after beatings all because they wouldn’t renounce that Jesus had risen. Why would they do this if it didn’t happen?? There is a simple answer…they wouldn’t!
I remember these things and get more messages from God all the time to lift me up. Danny and I used to play with ant lions all the time at my Grandma’s house. An ant lion is a bug that builds a small inverted dune like structure, kind of like a funnel, in sand. We would put ants in there and watch them struggle to get out. Sometimes I feel like that ant and when I do make it out, Danny is always there to push me back in. (I think he got a bigger kick out of it than I did..hehe) Anyway, all I have to do is keep my eyes, ears, and heart open and I find that God coaches me along the way.
Danny boy... that is exactly what I told him... That he called you satan. I said, "Shig, why are you calling Danny satan. Won't he be hurt by this comment.?" It was too late though. He had already posted.
Danny just symbolized Satan as someone might play the role of Christ in a great Easter production. Danny is not Satan, but you should have seen his grin when he would push that ant back in to that dune. Muhahahahahahaha... The same grin that one actor has in the old movie "The Three Muskateers" he plays the evil cardinal. Also, I believe in the grinch.
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