Sunday, January 22, 2006

What's New

Well, it’s been a rough week for me so I’m sorry that you have had to stare at Chuck Norris for half a fortnight. He is sexy though…id knee? Well school has taken off and I’m working hard at staying ahead or at least up to par. I am going to start my research projects early this semester because every one of my classes requires one and I have to take finals a week earlier than everyone else. So I don’t want to become the Tasmanian devil at the end of April. Right now, it is 4:26 a.m. I’m enjoying a light rain outside and the sweet sounds of the songs compiled by dj GT from the Voices of Spring 2004 mix. It is quite a cozy atmosphere. What’s new in my world? Well, I realized I was eligible for a free $18 phone upgrade through Cingular. There is some humor in that last sentence, but I’ll leave those that are savvy to enjoy it. I like my new phone.
My last phone was the first flip type phone I had and it was fun but it had some things I didn’t like. For instance, I got many complaints about the poor quality audio that my speaker phone emitted. I could never find a hands free device either that would add anymore accord, so I gave up on it. Well, this new phone has improved both those problems. It also does some video recording which I think is dandy. There are a bunch of other enhancements, but I will not talk about them because I do not use them. Yes, it searches the internet and has all those features, but who wants to search the web on a cell phone? Stupid if you ask me. You pay extra to look at web pages on a “1.5 screen and wait a minute per page load. Come on now. Anywho, I need to get back to studying and I’ll try to keep you more up to date on what’s happening in my world.


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