Plug In and Re-Charge

GNO is “Girls Night Out” and took shape about 4 or 5 months ago. Basically, all of my friend’s wives that are capable and available meet about once a month at a picked destination. My wife enjoys these times and I really enjoy it for her. I’m not able to be home much at night when she is home and I hate that after a long hard day’s work, she has to come home to nothing. It’s a great thing that Shanille started and I wish the guys could get together as well. I don’t know if that will ever be possible for me however. I can normally get together with 2 or 3 friends at a time, but these girls usually get about 6 – 9 girls in attendance and I think it’s wonderful. Plus, I get to hear about my friends through
I think it’s very important that we plug into our roots every once in awhile and get recharged and that is what this type of environment will allow. I enjoy going home to the country and talking with my family. I enjoy playing with the cats because I don’t have any and my mom has enough for everyone in my apt complex. I enjoy walking to my grandmother’s house to have a chat. I enjoy doing the same thing with my uncle and aunt. I enjoy sitting down at a card table to throwing down some 42 or moon while talking about a trip to
Be careful when you plug in that you aren't wet or you will get shocked!
Who is this anonymous? State your name!!! Coward!
It is what I do!!! I am still calling you out coward anonymous!
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