Phillip Freeman

Well, if you can remember from my first blog I said I would talk about my friends and dedicate a blog to each and everyone. Thus far, you have only heard about my wonderful wife Shannon. Well, I think its over due to write about another.
Phillip Freeman is an excellent friend of mine. You might know him as
The longer I worked there the better I got at my job and the more free time I would tend to have while being at work. Well, Phil and I would hang out at a certain column between sorting belts. We would shoot the bull corn all the while making fun of the tug drivers as they brought containers in and out of the hub. Now as a weekly tradition for the night time sort (the one we worked on) a bunch of workers from all departments would go eat at Denny’s after the sort was completed. There would be at least 8 -10 people eating every week. It was good times. To introduce you to Phil’s character, he would constantly invite me to Denny’s, but I would constantly refuse. Not because I didn’t want to go, but I either had to be up in 5 hours or even more importantly, I didn’t want to spend what little money I was making on a night at Denny’s. I think Phil realized this and offered many times to pay for me, if I would just go.
So now let’s talk about Phil’s character. When I think of this man, I think about generosity. He is probably one of the most selfless people I know. He offers his time, money, and knowledge any and all times of the day. After talking with him a few minutes I realized he was a Christian. He talked about this website he had started as a hobby in order to provide a central place where all Christian praise and worship bands could either sell their cds or get chord charts to play different songs. After a few years of hard work, he had built up enough clientele to make his site membership based. He wasn’t trying to become rich or anything, but he did feel like he had spent enough countless hours to get a little redemption. He started charging $2/month to access his database. Just two dollars!! You want to know much he charges today, 3 years later?? Just two dollars!! However, he has become successful in that part of his life as well at
One thing about Phil that I have always admired is his “What needs to happen?” attitude. If he even senses that I need help then he asks me, “where do you need me?” If there is something that needs to get done, then he says “give it to me.” He worked very hard and at no surprise, owned a huge home at the young age of 22. He is still working hard and even after establishing his success he is working to get his degree in Business. I’m glad God put him in my life as a model and friend. If you are curious as the site he has built then you can go to and see the fruits of his labor. So there is another one of my friend’s stories. There will be more to come. My friends mean the world to me. Relationships are the second most reason that God put us here, the first being to worship Him.
Thank you for your kind words!! It is truly appreciated.
To quote the Shig, "Happiness is not a goal in life, it is a prerequisite."
Phil's a cool guy, but he lives in Keller...... whats that about??
PARTY AT PHIL's!!! Now that COD is on a hiatus.... I guess I will have to get back into that Halo game!!! Gotta dust off the Xbox.
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