
I’m absolutely enraged right now. I’m mad at two factions for a wrong that was as harmless at not using a turn signal to change lanes. Fox 4 news aired a story tonight about a teacher in the
First, let’s deal with what the teacher did. Granted, this movie might be a little much for an 11 year old child, but let me go ahead and negate that with the fact that this took place in Alvarado! I’m sure Saving Private Ryan is not the worst thing this virgin child has ever seen. I would love to do another story of all the movies that this family owns at home. I bet we might find some Easter eggs in there that would make the movie in question look like The Sound of Music, but that is pure speculation. Saving Private Ryan was one of the greatest movies ever made and definitely the greatest war movie ever made. Now, I know that doesn’t give any rights to this teacher to show it to his class, but come on!
I said that I was mad at two factions. The first faction is this family that went to the media about this movie. Not only was it totally uncalled for, but it shows what regard teachers get sometimes. It is legitimate for this family to have a gripe about this movie. I’m a Christian and believe in doing all we can to be careful what we put in front of us; however, Saving Private Ryan is not just entertainment. It depicts as close to war as you can get. I wanted something to throw at the tv when the camera cut to the dad and said “We learned about war in books.” You can’t learn about what the soldiers did for us in a book! Kids can’t appreciate what they can’t grasp. The gripe this family had should have never got past the principal of the school if not the teacher that showed the movie. It makes me sick that this family would choose to ruin (because that is what they did) a teacher’s life, not just his career. I want to call this teacher and tell him that even though it probably wasn’t a good idea to show the movie, he didn’t deserve this. I watched Glory in 7th grade and that had someone’s head get blown off. Did we cry about how gruesome it was? No, we were excited to get to watch a movie. It was also educating. Saving Private Ryan is a must see in my opinion. I remember we watched Romeo and Juliet and we saw nudity in that movie. Did we cry about that? If anyone did, it should have been handled within the immediate authority of the teacher in question.
The other group that angers me is Fox 4. They should have denied this story. They only reason they aired this story was to get viewers. There was no crime done here. They made it sound like this teacher deserved to rot. They ruined a life for a few extra viewers and that makes me sick. I’m so furious at people. People will do anything to start something just because they think they can win. Well, this family won alright. They destroyed another’s life over the greatest war movie ever made. Oh and for what its worth, the teacher didn’t force the kids to watch it. They were allowed to leave the classroom. I think all children should see war at some point in there life. Sometimes, I get disgusted with this bubble Americans put themselves in. There are other places in this world that don’t have a 7/11 on each corner. Our troops die at the age of 17 fighting for our country, but we blackball a 6th grade Social Studies teacher for showing 11 and 12 year olds the perils of war. I think some people should be sent to a 3rd world country for a bit so they can get some prospective. Geeeezz!!