Lions of Men

Aight well, I figured it would be a good time to talk about a little game I like to play called Call of Duty. I tinker with a few pc games every now and again, but this is one I play mostly. I found this server that has really good, fair, and fun settings, but the admin is an absolute jerk. If you say anything wrong to him, he will either kick you or turn you into a cow if he doesn’t all out ban you from the server.
Well, I started a “clan”, but that is kind of a childish name for it so instead I call it “an alliance”. The alliance goes by the acronym {LoM} which stands for Lions of Men. I stole this from a movie called
Phil – The President a.k.a. “the politician”
Nate – LightningDerrick a.k.a. “the tax collector”
Paul – Loki a.k.a. “the artist”
Me – Shigeru a.k.a. “the general” I was the equivalent of Ujio from “The Last Samurai” just think of the part at the end of the movie where Ujio gets knocked off his horse and as soon as he stands up unsheathes his sword and takes out 7 guys and you will have a proper idea of Shigeru (me)
So there were your members. Well as I said before the admin is a jerk and I get sick of him. I can’t just be a jerk back because I love playing on the server so I devised a plan to take away his power figuratively speaking. I started recruiting on his server in order to build LoM so big that people would think they joined an LoM server and forget who he was. Well, this admin has such a pitiful life that he reads the logs of what we say on the server and while I never disclosed my plan, he still does not allow recruiting. In retaliation on his part he has banned Phil. I haven’t tried signing on, but if this was the reason that Phil was banned, make no mistake, I will share Phil's fate. So anway, that is a little bit of something I like to do. LoM is still a great idea for an alliance. And to leave you an idea of the fierceness of LoM, I will give you a quote….
“In the wild there is no health care. In the wild, health care is ‘ouch, I hurt my leg. I can’t run.’ The Lion eats me and I’m dead. Wow, I’m not dead. I’m the Lion. You’re dead.” -Dwight Shrute The Office
Banned!!! What a jerk!!
Ahh yall don't need that host server guy anyways!!! Besides when I get into my house I plan on playing some COD and become decent at it.
Danny needs to help us setup a server for COD!
This is my reply to the forum statement. Just in case they delete it. I need it published somewhere!
"Horrible Admin!!!!!!! Drumgod should Fire your ass because you are worthless! NO ONE LIKES YOU FISHINDUDE!! They say it all behind your back because you are such a dick that no one wants to say anything to your face because you might ban them. But since this has occurred to me and the almighty Shig... I WILL SAY IT! NO ONE LIKES YOU!!
What makes the server great is the people who play on it. Not the people who run it! And since you have banned great people your server shall fall apart.
By the way here is how the real story went down!
{LoM} is Elite. You are jealous.
These members joined the {LoM} Elites because they wanted to be trained by the Best.. You couldn't handle that. That is a shame!
Don't be surprised that we steal all your customers away!
The President Has Spoken!
{LoM} Mr. President"
I got a second wind and I had to say more to the guy.
"Oh yeah!! I forgot to add that it is just a video game... A VIDEO GAME, NOT THE REAL WORLD.
Who cares if some guy changes their name and adds a clan gamer tag... WHO CARES!
It is not the end of the world. We invited these people because they where friends.
I believe he got D DUBBED ON HIS OWN HOST
Wow get him. I will never get on your bad side!!!
Thanks Shannon.
I am just sticking up for the Shig and I's COD Rights!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Of course this is what comes out after several months of pinned up anger because the admin is a jerk.
{DGC} = Noob Admins
Straight up Phil! Fishindude will get his...he's going to get HIS!!!
You'll have to tell me where Twisted's server is and we can play on there with all the hackers!
You might want to work on your *GalaxySleuth* server first, before Kiger drops you like a 'bad apple'!
I'm just kiddin' with ya!... Everyone needs an outlet to relax to. See you, man!!!
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