Are You Hungry?

This doesn’t happen too often in my life, but I was inspired by a song that, for lack of better words…pumped me up! The way I listen to music is quite different I believe from many. I don’t hear the words to well. I mean to say that the words are part of the music to me. They can say toilet bowl, but if they say it in a way that is harmonious to the sound then I dig it, but here is the catch…I don’t hear toilet bowl. I hear a smooth vocal serenade. I don’t know if that makes since. It is the reason I like vocal trance techno. In this genre there are often times fragmented lyrics put inside this nice rhythmic candy shell of a song.
Let me tell my story. I was just doing a little cleaning around the apartment today and I was listening to my iPod. Danny had told me some new Tiesto was on EZ so I grabbed it. DJ Tiesto is one of the top DJ’s in the world and EZ is a newsgroup. Let’s proceed. Anyway, I put these songs on my pod and was trancin’ as I was getting stuff done. Well, it got to this song and on the first play it pumped me up. The artist is very articulate so I had to listen to the words this time which I might add is very rare. The song is “Hungry” by the artist Kosheen and it’s a remix done the great Tiesto.
It just poses the question “Are you hungry for a little more than what you had before? Are you hungry for a taste of life? What is your appetite?” I won’t post the lyrics because the song is more effective listening to it. The verses outline the fact that you can be happy with the simple things in life and still want more. It is good to apply these things to whatever disciplines you have in your life. I have been accomplishing my New Years Resolutions and let me tell you. It has been empowering. So the more I accomplish the “hungrier” I get. On the Christian prospective, I am hungry. I thank God for everything He has blessed me with and now I want to be more and more the man He intended. Phil, a good buddy of mine, says all the time he is going to conquer the world. I want to adapt more of this philosophy. I don’t want petty things like lack of confidence or being dealt some cold hands get me down or take away from my hunger in this life. We can do anything with the strength that God gives us and skills we have. So…are you hungry? Listen to the song…. click here